Thursday, January 26, 2012


It's a 14 minute video and it's really good :) When there are a lot of things happening in your life and you need a wake up call amidst the chaos, watch this video.

After watching this video, I felt like I knew whatever he said about life, but I didn't realize it's importance. Some of the valuables I collected from this video..

#1. In your life, everything happens for reason, let be the worst or let it be the best.
#2. Always love what you do.
#3. Live each day as if it was your last.
#4. Follow your heart.
#5. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

P.S: In search of myself!

Merry Christmas & Happpieee New Year 2012 :)


Merry Christmas and A very Happieee New Year 2012(Well, i know its 26days after New year!). This is my 1st sketch for the year 2012. A lot of things happened with the start of this year and it has been a very busy and hectic schedule everyday.

Wish i could get a house in an isolated place just as above and have some time for myself!